Contact Information:
- Administrator: Susan Bacon
- Email:
- Website:
General description:
Enrolled families can attend classes, activities, field trips, and workshops scheduled. They also receive legal coverage from Franklin School, record keeping, transcripts, diploma program, high school dual enrollment at UAH or Calhoun, access to website and email lists, resource library, access to online educational guides, and a certified teacher available for advice through email, and/or in person meetings.
Mission Statement:
A school providing classical education for the modern homeschooler. The school was formed to provide families with a secure place to homeschool their children, regardless of religion, sex, race, or culture. We believe that the family unit is the foundation of society and parents can be the best teachers for their children. Our goal is to provide support and assistance to homeschooling families in the form of assistance from a certified teacher, availability of educational resources, provision of academic records, and by offering a large variety of programs, field trips, classes, workshops, and other activities.
- Adult/Parent/Teacher must supervise children at all times during public school hours
- 170 days of school a year (school year from August 1 till July 31)
- Monthly Reports
- End of the year meeting
- Appropriate and respectful behavior at
- Legal means to homeschool through Franklin School
- Certified teacher with over thirty years of homeschooling experience available for assistance and consultations through in person meetings and email contact. This assistance can be in the form of help with choosing curriculum, learning methods, support, and aid through the whole homeschooling process
- Permanent records and transcripts overseen by a certified teacher
- Permanent records sent to colleges and universities upon request
- Dual Enrollment Program For high school students with both Calhoun and UAHuntsville
- Optional high school diploma program- Includes the assistance of at least 3 other experienced homeschool parents and the director, and a framed diploma.
- Monthly calendar of events
- Detailed outline of classes offered online. (additional fees)
- Field trips (additional fees may apply to these)
- Educational fairs and Holiday Parties.
- Classes – Variety for Preschool through High School.
- Parent workshops and discussions on homeschooling offered.
- Play dates and/or informal get-togethers are offered.
- Franklin School t-shirt designed and prepared each year for the cost of printing.
- Franklin School Yearbook designed and prepared each year for the cost of publishing.
- Webpage, an email list, a Facebook pages, and a Facebook group to join
- Franklin School Information List (Moderated list only for Franklin School members used exclusively for information about Franklin School. You must be approved to join)
- Shenanigans and Hooligans is a closed Facebook page open only to Franklin School families. This group is for posting information about Franklin School field trips, community activities, impromptu play dates, and asking questions about curriculum or other homeschool issues. You will receive an invitation to join this list when you enroll.
One Time Admission’s Meeting Fee of $25.00
Yearly Registration Fee $20
Tuition – $150 per semester
Optional Class Fees
- Statement of Faith: NOT required.
- HSLDA: NOT required.
This information last verified 04/16/21.