Harvest Homeschool

Contact Information

General description:

We are a Pentecostal church providing homeschool cover. We provide record keeping when registration requirements are met and grades are submitted each fall and spring semesters. Letters of enrollment are sent to the board of education in which the student lives and records from previous school’s are requested and kept on file. We also provide a graduation ceremony each spring and will submit official transcripts to colleges and universities

Requirements & Fees:

Requirements include a registration fee of $65 for up to 2 students each year. Additional students are $20 each and new students pay a one time $5 fee. Additionally, a GED or high school/college diploma from the parent/guardian must be on file for each student. Grades and attendance must be submitted at the end of each fall and spring semester.

  • Statement of Faith: Not required
  • HSLDA: Not required

Information here last verified: 4/13/21

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